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3-Secrets to Wrangle Winter Dryness!

Writer's picture: aquegelaquegel

Why is the winter air so darn DRY? Nosebleeds every winter? Cracked fingers?

Finally, stop your winterly nosebleeds, cracked fingers, and reptile-dry skin! Check out Aquegel's 3 secrets to wrangle Winter Dryness!

Families come together for warmth, fellowship, and holiday feasts! Snow falls transforming the landscape into a picturesque snow globe...the perfect image of a holiday card.

Quickly - you remember that the first winter breeze brings with it more than just hot chocolate and snuggles....cold dry air. The cold rolls in and sucks all the moisture out of the air leaving your skin dry and your nostrils cracking!

You don't have to suffer through dryness every year - Check out Aquegel's 3 Secrets to wrangle winter dryness!


What causes the dryness?

Well...what is too dry? We humans feel the most comfortable in a relative humidity (RH) of between 40-50% at home and work. Relative humidity (RH) measures the actual amount of water vapor in the air compared to the total amount of vapor that could exist in the air at its current temperature. Essentially - the amount of water that the air can hold - depends on the temperature.

In winter, the relative humidity levels can drop to 30% or lower...Too DRY for comfort!

Air at room temperature (68 degrees) can store about ten times the amount of water as air at 32 degrees. In winter, the relative humidity levels can drop to 30% or lower!  The cold dry air that seeps into your home from outside (20F at 80% RH) can store less water vapor (lower humidity). Cranking up the heat adds warmth but drops the relative humidity of the same air to about 15% once it reaches room temperature - too DRY for comfort.

As winter air contains so little humidity, it quickly absorbs any available moisture. The air draws moisture from anywhere it can - toilets, fish tanks, dog bowls, AND your body! Your body loses moisture to evaporation, leaving lips chapped, noses dry & bleeding, and skin cracking.

Nosebleeds, Cracked Fingers, Dry skin.

Low relative humidity air in the winter pulls moisture from your body in any way it can. Moisture escapes your body from the mouth, eyes, nose, lungs...even directly from your skin. The misty cloud of your breath in the winter is visible when water vapor from your breath is cooled beyond dew point - turning to its liquid form.

As low relative humidity draws moisture from the thin lining of your nose drying out and irritating nasal tissues. Dry nostrils are robbed of much-needed moisture and begin to crack causing winter nosebleeds.

It is not just our nose that suffers from the dry winter air. Winter months bring flare-ups of eczema, psoriasis, acne, and chapped lips. Your skin is 60% water and is extremely susceptible to low humidity.

Constantly losing moisture, your skin quickly loses the battle and becomes itchy, dry, and flakey.

Even young healthy skin begins to irritate. Try to escape to a hot shower? No-go, hot showers can make you drier by removing the natural layer of oil that our skin relies on for protection.

Winter Illness

On top of comfortability problems, cold air may also be the cause of winter colds! Relative humidity below 30% increases the risk of illness. Your nose uses its mucus to trap and neutralize viruses before they are inhaled into the respiratory system. As the nose and mouth are the most common points of entry for germs - dry nostrils leave your body unprotected.

Additionally, cold dry environments allow flu viruses to multiply faster and survive longer. In higher humidity, drops of water trap more particles carrying viruses, pulling them down and out of harm's way. In a dry climate, after someone coughs or sneezes - germs can float more freely.

Are nosebleeds, dry skin, and the winter flu inevitable each year? Does holiday cheer have to come with exacerbated dryness?

Here are Aquegel's 3-Secrets to wrangling winter dryness!


3-Secrets to Wrangle Winter Dryness

Here are Aquegel's 3-Secrets to wrangling winter dryness!

Secret #1 - Hydrate

In winter, the air holds less moisture and takes water from anywhere it can. We become dry, cracked, and itchy because the air is pulling water from our bodies.

Problem: dry air draws moisture from our bodies
Solution: put more water in! Or hydrate.

Staying hydrated is a year-round concern. Staying hydrated is crucial for sweating in summer which allows our body to maintain temperature and protects us from the heat. In winter, proper hydration will maintain moisture in your hands, mouth, and nose.

How much water do you need daily?

[Your weight] ÷ 2 = [H2O needed per day (ounces)]

A 160-pound person would need 80 ounces of water or to consume a standard water bottle 4 times per day.

Secret #2 - Moisturize

Several methods have been suggested to add moisture to our environment: potted plants, fish tanks, bowls of water on radiators, and humidifiers. Other than expensive whole-house humidifiers, most of these methods are ineffective.

Small humidifiers can produce some results but their lack of hygiene can cause additional problems. These humidifiers provide an environment that is ideal for breeding germs, bacteria, and viruses. Any condition with relative humidity above 70% will grow mold....if you have a strong stomach...research "humidifier mold".

For your skin...

As a cleaner and easier option to add moisture, add a daily moisturizer routine in the winter. In conjunction with drinking more water, using lotion every day is an affordable and effective way to add healthy oils and help lock in moisture. Especially after taking a shower, rub lotion onto your skin to provide extra protection from dryness.

"Using lotion everyday is an affordable and effective way to add healthy oils and help lock in moisture."

For your nose...

Use Aquegel Nasal Moisturizers to rejuvenate and protect the thin lining of your nostrils. The nose is the first line of defense for your body. Your nasal tissue and mucus filter your respiratory system and hydrate the air you breathe. Cold air pulling moisture from susceptible nasal tissue leads to cracks and nosebleeds.

"Use Aquegel Nasal Moisturizers to rejuvenate and protect the thin lining of your nostrils. "

Secret #3 - Winterize Your Home

As winter rolls we turn on our heat and the air inside gets dryer; Why? Each time cold air seeps inside, our heater forces the air to room temperature (68F). The cold air (20F at 80% RH) couldn't hold much water in the first place and our heaters only increase temperature (they don't add moisture). After heating the cold outside air to room temperature, without adding water, the relative humidity drops to about 15%....way too dry! Preventing cold air from invading your house can help preserve indoor humidity.

If increasing relative humidity isn't enough, sealing your home could save an average of 15% on heating and cooling costs!

Keeping the relative humidity of your home comfortable (between 40-50%) during the winter is challenging. Ways to winterize your home:

  • Insulate windows - cover windows with heavy drapes or shrink-wrap plastic

  • Repair windows & doors - ensure windows and doors can close properly

  • Weather Stripping - add weather stripping to close gaps

  • Seal air ducts - seal detached air ducts in the basement and attic

Sealing your home will allow less cold, dry air to come in, and keep warm, moist air from escaping.

The end....of winter dryness

We don't have to spend the holidays with bloody noses and itchy dry skin. Try Aquegel's 3-secrets to wrangle winter dryness and snuggle up without dryness this season.

  1. Hydrate

  2. Moisturize

  3. Winterize

Drinking more water is our first line of defense against winter dryness but if you want to give your nose a boost, CLICK HERE to order Aquegel Nasal Moisturizers.

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How does Aquegel help you with Winter Dryness?


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Jennifer Surrett
Jennifer Surrett
Mar 01, 2024

I use aquagel to prevent nosebleeds during the winter with all the dry air.


Lisa Hoffman
Lisa Hoffman
Feb 23, 2024

The NW Kansas winters have caused me to have nosebleeds since I was a child. Aquegel has helped me to keep from having such dryness in my nostrils that cause nose bleeds.


Feb 22, 2024

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